How to Make Home Made Natural Vanilla Extract


Vanilla – a love we’ve all been cherishing since childhood and a taste that has magically captivated our enchanted taste buds! Well, this means there is no need to tell you about how heavenly food with Vanilla tastes like but what if we tell you that you can simply make your own Vanilla……. yes…. at home!

What you could use Natural Vanilla extract for, are mainly:

  • confectionary items such as cakes & puddings
  • added to tea (a match made in heaven)
  • added to coffee (the perfect combination of two natural aromas & tastes)

However you can just basically use Vanilla for anything as a substitute for sugar where it

  • (if used as a substitute for sugar) can reduce high blood glucose levels
  • treats inflammation
  • has antidepressant effects hence treats depression and anxiety (home remedy since 17th century)
  • is heart healthy
  • is liver healthy

Apart from all that, the benefits of making your own extract of Natural Vanilla is that it’s

  • 100% natural
  • Stronger aroma
  • Stronger taste
  • Less processed

compared to Vanilla essence which is synthetic and has little or no vanillin (vanillin is the organic compound in vanilla beans responsible for it’s flavour!)

Depending on your preference there are two types of Natural Vanilla extractions you could choose from:

  1. Alcoholic Natural Vanilla extraction
  2. Non alcoholic Natural Vanilla extraction

Alcoholic Natural Vanilla Extract



Step 1: Cut open the Vanilla beans in the middle to make a slit using a sharp knife lengthwise

Step 2: Place the strips of Vanilla beans in glass jars

Step 3: Pour 8 ounces of alcohol (preferably vodka) into the jar, submerge the beans, seal it with an air tight lid & shake it a few times

Step 4: Let the Vanilla beans infuse the alcohol for at “least” 8 weeks (the longer you keep it, the stronger the aroma gets so for optimal flavor: let it sit for 6 months and for the best outcome, 12+ months)


Yield – 1 of an 8 ounce cup (240ml) Shake the jars once a week. You can refill the jars with a little vodka as you wish. You can keep using the extract by refilling vodka & replacing the old beans with fresh ones. You can re-use the same Vanilla bean for several batches Use Grade – A Vanilla Planifolia for best results. (click here to purchase online)

Non Alcoholic Extraction



Step 1: Cut open the Vanilla beans in the middle to make a slit using a sharp knife lengthwise

Step 2: Place the strips of Vanilla beans in glass jars

Step 3: Mix glycerin & water with 3:1 ratio and pour the mixture into the jars

Step 4: Let the Vanilla beans infuse the glycerin solution for at “least” 8 weeks


Since glycerin acts as a preservative so you should be able to keep this extract for 4 years. Glycerin based extracts are sugar-free and gluten-free.


Jars with either type of Natural Vanilla extract should be stored in a cool to moderate (room) temperature without direct sunlight. (so a closed kitchen cupboard would be ideal)

If you're someone who loves Natural Food, the Grade - A Gourmet Bourbon Vanilla Beans would fancy you as it gives a unique rich, dark, creamy flavour with an overwhelming buttery aroma.

For more information on Natural Vanilla Extraction and Online purchasing: contact the Leading Natural Vanilla Supplier in Sri Lanka. Kagroo Exports and Plantations Pvt Ltd*

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